
HvA Library 

Year: april 2019 - juli 2019
Client: bibliotheek hva and CMD


Hva Library


The HvA Library is a library where students/teachers/researchers are the target audience. They therefore mainly focus on textbooks.The library is what they call themselves: a coach for searching and finding the right information. You can search for books, e-books, movies, articles and entertainment material.Currently, the library was hardly used by the target group. I have researched where this problem lies and how it can be solved.

“How can an interactive application ensure that users of the HvA library receive recommended books based on their wishes?”

My solution

On this website I have made sure that there are recommended books based on your study, your favorite categories and previously borrowed books.




For 10 weeks I have conducted various studies to determine the biggest factors that prevent students from borrowing textbooks from the library.

– Interviews

– Observations

– User trip

From this I found 3 findings.

Without an employee, no recommendations, both in the library and on the website. As a result, students don’t really know where to start looking for the right book and the library comes across as overwhelming because there is so much choice.​

During my education I learned to focus on the entire design process; from understanding a design issue to designing a product. Eventually I started to specialize as a user experience designer

Students take not much time to find a book, but they want the perfect book right away, otherwise they won’t come back.



I have used different test methods to test my variations of elaborations on my prototype and especially considering the details on the left you can see how the design process went.

I have used Eyetracking and usability testing.

I have succeeded in letting the user look exactly where I want them to look, so that I have noticed that my flow runs very well within my concept and fits my target group.



Advantages of the library

1. Finding a matching book is easy.

2. By showing a top 10 you will not be overwhelmed, but you do make the choice yourself.

3. Because I used images. Is it visually immediately clear which choices you have. It therefore takes much less time to find a book that suits you.