
Stair at me

Year: februari 202o - juli 2020
Client: applied Psychology


Stair at me


From my minor introduction to applied psychology, me and my team were given a free assignment to enhance motivation. From here we started a social project on how to motivate students and employees at Utrecht University of Applied Sciences to take the stairs instead of the elevator through behavioral change.

How can we motivate teachers/students and employees at Hogeschool Utrecht in Padualaan 97 to take the stairs?




I sI’ve done research why my target group did or did not take the elevator I did this through:

– Interviews

– Observations 

Three major bottlenecks have emerged from this and I am responding to this with my solution. 

It has become automatic to take the elevator, it is not considered that there is also a possibility to take the stairs. While if people do take the stairs, this is a conscious choice, usually for health reasons.

Because the stairwell is unpleasant. It is not inviting to take the stairs and because of this you prefer to take the easy choice of the elevator

Stairwell is hard to find. You will see the elevator first and the stairs are far behind the elevator.



1. With stair away you make people aware. Throughout the building you will find various motivational posters with as result that our target group understands that taking the elevator is an option and that climbing stairs is the healthy choice.

2. When the target group arrives at the elevator, he sees a poster with do you take the stairs with 2 lines 1 to the elevator with no and one with yes to the stairs so that the routine of our target group is broken and they make a very conscious choice for the elevator or stairs.

3. When they go up the stairs and in the stairwell, they see various compliments on the walls and on the floor to motivate and compliment the users. In addition, this makes the stairwell more cheerful.



behavioral change

To know if our concept worked, I used the COM-B and BJ-Fogg model as a basis. These are both behavior change models. In the image on the leeft you can see that I can achieve behavioral change by using a trigger and increasing motivation, cabalitity and opportunity.



Because we were unfortunately unable to test the concept due to the coronavirus, a teammate made an animation video to explain how stair at me works. I am convinced that this concept could work. After I became aware of the effect of climbing stairs through this project, I stepped out of my routine and stopped taking the elevator